B.A. Mount Holyoke College
Mount Holyoke College
50 College Street
South Hadley, MA, 01075
Mobile: (413)-552-9492
E-mail: zhang49l@zetaslab.com
Due 02/27/2024 Emotional Intelligence - How do I get through this?
Featured Pubilcations
Due 02/23/2024 Feedback-Can I adapt?
Due 02/13/2024 Belongingness-Is this for me?
Due 02/08/2024 Cognitive Flexibility
Due 02/01/2024 Metacognition-Am I up for the challenge?
Due 01/25/2024 Where is your (dis)comfort zone?-the role of mindset
The project can be any paper object of your creation with at least 1 LED or vibe motor that responds to user interaction
The project creates some kind of light output that changes over time (e.g., a few time steps, or a repeated in a loop)
Take what you’ve learned/made from the BloxBots Workshop and combine it with the Circuit Playground Express Lab
create an interactive tangible project using a new component on your Circuit Playground Express
Program your EmotoBot to signal a particular emotion
Final Project | RobotArm
Use Raspberry Pi and OpenCv to track and differentiate objects, use servos and flex sensor to opserate